Making a Lily Quilt

Hi Everyone, welcome back!

Once again I have been absent from here for the last few weeks. With a two year old who seems to just go all day and an 8 month old to care for, along with my chooks, dogs, veggie patch, and house sometimes things need to take a bit of a back seat for a little bit while I catch up on everything else.

I have just uploaded my next video in my In The Box quilt tutorial series. This video teaches you how to make the blocks for the quilt. The next video will show you how to put the blocks together. I am getting a little faster at editing my videos and so now just need to find some quiet moments to film them.

Lately I have been having my friend, Kaila over regularly as she is working on making her first. She is really doing a wonderful job of it and is already up to the quilting. I have also been getting a little sewing done on my new quilt. I haven’t had as much time to work on it as I would like, but it’s slowly getting there. This quilt is going to feature some applique lilies as it is for Kaila’s little girl, Lily, who is due very soon. I have decided to start with the blocks that are going to make up the outer border and then figure out the centre from there. A little unorthodox, but I just couldn’t decide on the centre and, well, you have to start somewhere! I need 22 blocks for my border and so far I have managed 5. So, not a whole lot, but at least there is progress happening.

Well if I want to get this quilt done before Lily turns 10 then I had better hop off here and get to work cutting and sewing.

Till next time, Keep On Stitching!


Doonas and Selvedges (Copy)


Exciting Things on the Way